This week anthem is "Child of God" written in American Folk Tune. I love this song singing during Advent or Christmas. The song made me sure my identity which is the happiest truth. Let's praise Him and tell people
"I am a Child of God!".
Child of God
If you anybody asks you who I am, who I am, who I am. If anybody asks you who I am, tell them I'm child of God.
Peace on Earth and Mary rocking the cradle, rocking the cradle, rocking the cradle,
Peace on Earth and Mary rocking the cradle, Christ Child was born in glory.
If anybody asks you who I am, who I am, who I am, If anybody asks you who I am, tell them I'm a child of God.
The little cradle rocks tonight in glory, tonight in glory tonight in glory, the little cradle rocks tonight in glory,
Christ Child was born in glory.
If anybody asks you who I am, who I am, who I am,
If anybody asks you who I am, Tell them I am a child of God.
DO you believe, a He was born in a stable, born in a stable, born in a stable, would you believe, He was
born in a stable, Christ Child was born in glory.
If anybody asks you who I am, who I am, who I am.
If anybody asks you who I am, tell them I'm a child of God.
If anybody asks you who I am, who I am, who I am.
If anybody asks you who I am! Tell them I'm a Child of God, Oh YEAH~!