This Sunday will be our heritage Sunday. We will have a moment to think back our heritage and history of our church. The chancel choir will lift up "We are the church" as our anthem for this Sunday. I have prayed that we are one as church to serve the Lord and show the world God's love through our church!
Here is the text.
We can feel God's love around us in this warm, familiar place, where our friends in Christ surround us, joined as one within His grace. Let this fellowship which unites us be a gift for all to share. As we go forth, let us show the world God's love is everywhere.
Refrain: We are the church, we are God's people, and His word we faithfully proclaim. We will join our hearts and hands as one to see His work is done, and we will serve together in His name!
Let us join with one another, for we each have heard His call. Let us stand and work together as we reach beyond these walls. For we know the Lord will sustain us. He will be our constant guide as we go forth into all the world, our voices raised on high.