I have not been able to update what we have been doing in our music ministries! Sorry!!
There was our VBS last week with 280 kids. I personally led "sing and play splash" station with dancing and singing. It was great fun!! I enjoyed a lot, and went to a vacation for four days at Washington DC. That is why I haven't updated!
We are singing "Seek to serve" as our anthem this week. It is a simple but inspiring song to share related to the sermon about "servant-ship."
As some of you know already, my last day at RHUMC will be on August 8th.
It was a true blessing that I got to work for the Lord in Praise and Pray ministries at RHUMC.
I believe that God's time in the church is near to the end. It was not an easy decision to make to leave wonderful extended family in Christ. However, you all will be in my prayer always.
I kneel and beg for God's mercy and grace upon RHUMC always that our church will be called "the house of prayer".
I am not sure how this blog will be continue. Thank you so much for visiting this blog. I know only few people visit sometimes.
I love you all deeply in Christ.