Friday, May 14, 2010


This Sunday will be a little bit different that there will be an anthem by our InspiRingers. (the adult handbell choir) The handbell choir will also praise call to worship as well as postlude. At the second service, the youth choir will sing "How Beautiful" as an offfertory.
Praying you all feel God's abundant love through beautiful music during this Sunday worship service.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Ready to have a summer break?

The schools will start their summer break from May 21st. There will be no children's choir, chimes, and the youth handbell, choir, and ensemble during summer.

However, we will keep the chancel choir rehearsal on Wednesday night every week, and the new adult handbell rehearsal by week from June 10th for the beginner's class. We will work on only basic techniques and skills with simple music.

If you are interested in joining the beginners group of handbell, please contact me or come on June10th at 5:30 to the Curry.

This Wednesday(May 12) will be the last day for the children's choir, the youth music teams will finish during next week.

Thank you all for your effort and hearts to praising our Lord together! Hope you all have a wonderful summer!!