It is our forth Sunday of Lent already. The lectionary reading is from Luke 15:11-32, a story about the prodigal son. As I shared in our Hill topper, our church news letter, it is always an amazing moment with the scene when the son comes back home, the father even did not put his shoes, just ran to his son, holding, kissing with joyful tears. Our Father in heaven sees us always with indescribable love. It will be a great moment to feel His love through the worship this Sunday. The chancel choir will sing "And the Father will dance" as our anthem related to the words.
The youth choir will sing "Kyrie" as our song for the offertory. Kyrie eleison, Christe eleison, Kyrie eleison: sung in the beginning of worship Mass in old church era. It means "Lord, have mercy, Christ have mercy." We all get to confess that we can't even live a second without His mercy, and love. May the Lord give us His mercy and love that we get closer to Him more and more especially in this Lent.