Thursday, July 23, 2009

VBS and this Sunday

Our VBS has been wonderful. There have been more than 200 kids every day. They all have been excited to being there. While I was teaching and lifting songs with the kids, I realized that how beautiful they are! Especially, when they worship in their hearts, I could feel their faith and love toward God. As I was facing them, I blessed each of them in my heart that they will keep their faith and love in their lives and may the Lord be with them always.
On this Sunday, they will sing three songs from VBS. They already asked which songs we will sing. You will see how beautiful they are.
The Chancel choir will praise the Lord with " Seek to serve". It is a simple but a very intimate song written like a Gregorian chant. The text lays beautifully with the chanting melody. Here is the text.
May I live in the world as one who always seeks to serve. May I live as one who knows the love of God. Lord, teach me how to live and how to serve. With my ears may I hear, with my eyes may I see. With my lips may I speak. May Your word be heard through me. Thus as I live each day may love sustain the will to serve. Amen, Amen.