Thursday, August 12, 2010

Good bye, RHUMC!

It has been a true blessing to serve at RHUMC.
I know... it is very hard to say Good bye but I have to.

I have prayed that God still pours out His Holy Spirit and fills everyone's heart with Him.

May the Lord be with you all! Thank you all for your support and prayers.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

God Only

Today, August 8th, is my last Sunday at RHUMC.
It has been blessed three years! and I give thanks to the Lord that His faithfulness and blessings.
I have thought about the three years. It was not a long period of time for sure but there were lots of things within that short time.
I am grateful that I have been used as a tool by God to do His ministries at RHUMC. I have learned a lot how to serve Him, and others in Christ. And I am sure that He will teach and lead me more.
I have been praying for the next person for my position. People would say that it is not my business but I would like to keep on praying for the person as well as RHUMC if God leads me.
Also, I would like to keep in touch with brothers and sisters in Christ at RHUMC.

May the Lord continue blessing you all always with His abundant love and grace!
I will miss you all very much.