Thursday, July 16, 2009


The chancel choir will praise the Lord with "Gloria!" by Jay Althouse on this Sunday. Gloria is one of doxology during Mass service. However, it has been composed as a piece and performed separately. Gloria is usually very angelic and joyful, praising music. I pray that we all praise the Lord when our choir lift the song on this Sunday.

Gloria, Gloria, Gloria in excelsis Deo. (Glory be to God on high)

We sing out this song to all people on earth. We sing out this song of good cheer. We sing with one heart and with one solemn voice. We sing so all people may hear.

Let us now rejoice with a song in our heart. In music our voices we riase. Let us now consider that life here on earth is ever deservicng of praise, of praise.

Gloria, Gloria, Gloria in excelsis Deo.

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