Pentecost is this Sunday! Praying that our worship service are filled with the Holy Spirit like the upper room at the Pentecoast. The Holy Spirit is the Living Spirit. Let's seek Him with whole our hearts like a deer pants for water.
The chancel choir will lift up "Living water, Guiding Spirit" as our anthem, and the youth handbell will play "Remembrance" as their last piece before the summer break. Here is the text of our anthem.
Living Water, Guiding Spirit by Joseph M. Martin
Just as the deer longs for the water, my spirit longs for You. Just as the deer longs for the water, my spirit longs for You, my God.
Living water flow in me, refresh my soul with Your truth and grace. Make in me Your vessel pure, a heart to hold Your praise, a heart to hold Your praise.
Just as the wind blows through the forrest, move through my life today.
Just as the wind blows through the forrest, move through my life O Lord, I pray.
Guiding Spirit blw through me. Refresh my soul with Your truth and grace. Lift me up where eagles fly. Teach me a higher way, teach me O Lord, I pray.
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